ELA 11 Class Blog

“Trust life, and it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all you need to know.” – James A. Baldwin

Blogging Guidelines

Why a Class Blog?

The purpose of a class blog is to create a central space for scholars to share their work, families to see class progress, and teachers to share vital information with all stakeholders, including announcements, assignments, and materials. A blog also allows stakeholders the opportunity to interact with the class by commenting on posts and asking questions. I hope having this space helps everyone throughout the year as we explore American Literature together. For more information on using class blogs, check out the video below:

Guidelines for Using the Class Blog

All stakeholders will abide by the following RAMS expectations. The purpose of these expectations is to ensure all stakeholders are remaining Respectful, Accountable, Motivated, and Self-Controlled while interacting on the blog:

Commenting on our Class Blog

All stakeholders may comment on the class blog. Commenting helps create a community while engaging in class content and activities. In addition to the home page, families are encouraged to visit their scholars’ blog page regularly to view their progress and offer motivation and feedback. For more information on commenting, take a look at the video below on how to write effective comments:

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